Translation & Transcription

The world is heterogeneous, it is more so when we think about the different languages spoken in the different parts of the world and the different ways in which people communicate and connote languages. For example, a same word has different connotation in different parts of geographies and is used in separate ways. Thus, it becomes imperative for modern businesses to localize the communications in a way that the essence of the communication remains unaltered even when it is being transferred to different languages. Similarly, content from different regions sometime pose great challenge to a analyzer who might not be capable of understanding multiple languages at the same time.

1Solution guarantees 100% human translations and transcriptions through our pool of experienced translators & transcribers who have years of working experience in the industry. We also make sure that translations & transcriptions are in accordance to the industry as different industries have different ways of writing/communicating.

We do translations of all major Indian languages & rare languages also. Foreign language translators are also available with us.

Transcription are available for only major Indian languages.

Glossary of major Indian languages:

1. Hindi

2. Marathi

3. Gujrati

4. Bengali

5. Assamese

6. Oriya

7. Telegu

8. Tamil

9. Kannada

10. Malayalam